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PROJECTSActivity and Capacity Building Center for Inclusion (CACI)

CACI (5)

Architecture and Engineering Construction design for Maia’s Mentally Disabled Citizen’s Parents and Friends Association (APPACDM in portuguese), aiming at transforming and expanding an elementary school building into an Activity and Capacity Building Center for Inclusion (CACI in portuguese) for citizens with intellectual and cognitive disabilities.
The new inclusion center, located in Águas Santas parish, whose former elementary school was granted by Maia’s municipality, will be able to accommodate 30 users on a total intervention area of ​​approximately 700 sq. meters.

Águas Santas, Maia
Public Facilities & Institutions
CACI (1)

The project aimed at transforming an old elementary school, partially renovated in the early 2000’s, with a new canteen and providing CACI with new permanent facilities. The intervention, limited by its budget, sought to embed the current functionalities of the existing classic structure. The new facilities will be endowed with activity and workshop rooms, a room for therapeutic activities (Occupational Therapy, Psychomotricity and Psychology), a hydrotherapy room, a cafeteria, a social room and further amenities.

Transformation and expansion of a school building into an Activity and Capacity Building Center for Inclusion
Intervention area
700 sq. meters