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Services Fire Safety

A fire safety project defines the requirements to be adopted and included in the design and construction of new buildings, as well as in projects for renovation and remodeling of existing ones.

Regarding the previously mentioned safety requirements, architectural projects, fire safety projects and other engineering design projects must comply in regards to:

  • Exterior conditions;
  • Fire behavior, isolation and protection conditions;
  • Evacuation conditions;
  • Technical facilities conditions;
  • Security equipment and systems conditions;
  • Self-protection conditions.

The safety measures to be implemented in the building aim to fulfil the following goals:

  • To reduce the likelihood of a fire breaking out;
  • To limit the development of possible fires, circumscribing and minimizing their effects, namely the spread of smoke and combustion gases;
  • To ensure a quick and safe evacuation of the occupants;
  • To ease the intervention of emergency services.